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Scandinavian Summer Camp for The Work of Byron Katie 2019

Scandinavian Summer Camp for The Work of Byron Katie 2019
August 21-25
Facilitated by Certified Facilitators: Ernest Holm Sendsen, Nayano Skaaning & Helena Montelius. 24 ITW credit hours

Join us on a 5-day journey to deepen our awareness and free ourselves from identification with our stressful thoughts. Let’s revitalize our practice of inquiry, connect with each other through the deep kindness of our loving hearts and experience the power of The Work in action as we question our beliefs and open to new depths of peace, joy and freedom in our lives.
Whether you are experienced in The Work or just starting out, you will find suitable workshops and training sessions to explore The Work with Certified Facilitators and experienced staff members of The Institute for The Work.

All languages and experience levels are welcome
The camp is for everyone interested in The Work, beginners and experienced practitioners alike. The general camp language will be English and when we work in groups or in pairs, we will speak whatever language works for all. We also offer support for translation into Swedish and Danish.

We have found a place in the heart of Scandinavia; Mundekulla Retreat Center. It’s an amazing venue with peaceful, rural surroundings, great food, a gorgeous sauna and a lake to swim in. We will serve healthy vegetarian/vegan meals, most of it organic from a nearby bio dynamic farm. The meals include breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Mundekulla offers pleasant rooms with comfortable beds. Most have private shower and toilet – please see the options for accommodation and the different prices on our website.

Mundekulla is located a mile outside Emmaboda in southern Sweden. It’s easy to travel to Emmaboda by train from all over the country. From Copenhagen there is a direct train and the journey takes about three hours. From Stockholm the journey by train takes about four hours. You can find detailed travel information on our website: www.scandinavianthework.com.

Theres a Facebook page and you can find it HERE …

Skriv til mig for yderligere oplysninger på nayano@thework.dk

Tidligere begivenhed: 16. maj
Weekendkursus i The Work
Senere begivenhed: 14. september
Introduktion til The Work